we are pokememe.
$POKEMEME is for the ones who can’t catch a break. The ones who ape tops and sell bottoms and like to invest in rug pull scams. Look no further anon, $POKEMEME is now your home, your calling.
Because there is no tax and all liquidity has been burned, the token was designed to be 100 percent safe for all $POKEMEME.
$POKEMEME is no longer reky.
Tokenomics v2
Total Supply
Phase 1
Token Launch
Build Community of 1000 POKEMEME
CoinMarketCap & Coingecko listings
Meme competitions
Phase 2
POKEMEME in the news
Web3 POKEMEME forum
1,000 holders
Tier 2 CEX listings
Phase 3
POKEMEME Labs Incorporation
Tier 1 CEX listings
POKEMEME Merchandise
IRL Events & POKEMEME meetup
No.1 memecoin
All rights reserved Support@pokememesol.xyz